Hi. Welcome. Thank for joining. I’m Jasmine May.

I’m a naturopathic doctor, and I’d like you to, join with me if you’re ready. We’ll go right into a guided meditation. And the idea is just to get comfortable and relax, try too hard. Just follow my words and see where it takes you. If you fall asleep, that’s great. If you’re right there with me, that’s great too. too.

But, don’t take it too seriously. Just relax and, let’s get started.

let’s get comfortable right now. Let’s start our meditation.

And for me, when I start meditation, a comfortable position is to have your bottom slightly above your knees so that you get a curve in the lower back. And as you take a deep breath in through your nose. You can feel your abdomen expand deep into your belly all the way down below your belly button. And yet, as you breathe out through your nose or your mouth, you can feel your abdomen constrict, contract, and push all the air out.

You breathe out of your mouth. That’s a way to release emotional energy. Breathing in through your nose clears out as you feel the breath filling up your sinuses. It clears out the mental chatter in your head and you feel the breath kind of come down into your belly. Expand, and as you release that air, that breath coming out of your mouth releases emotional tension that we can be carrying in our bellies and in our bodies.

So just start by having a seat. Or if you’re lying down, that’s okay.

Taking your deep breaths in through your nose, out to your mouth, or in through your nose and back out through your nose to clear out that mental chatter. Mental thought.

And as you breathe, you can feel this mysterious force of gravity that’s keeping us connected to the earth, keeping us from floating away into space.

And as you feel this force of gravity that’s keeping your bottom on your chair, your feet on the ground, if you’re lying down your back and your head on the bed or the ground. Feel the comfort of that inherent connection we have to the earth just by the force of gravity on our planet. So again, breathing in through the nose, out through the mouth.

And as you breathe, feeling the expansion in your abdomen. Great big pregnant belly with the air as you breathe in. And releasing, pushing all that breath out. Getting all those old stale emotions out with the breath. And as you continue to breathe, you can let your breath get a sort of natural rhythm to it.

And feel how it lightens the sense of weight in your body as you breathe in and out. Focusing on the breath can sort of just make everything in your body feel lighter. Even though we’re blessed with gravity to keep us connected to the Earth, the breath keeps us connected to the air, to the cosmos. The space.

Time. And you can imagine in your mind’s eye that there is a beautiful column of light that starts in the heart of the earth. And this living, breathing Mother Earth, that there is a beautiful light, heart, crystal and heart within the earth, and that she sends up this vast column of light about 2 or 3 times the size of let’s.

So let this column come up. And to me, since I’m sitting, I feel it at the bottom of my spine. Connect. Some people call it the Earth star or your Earth star. That is a chakra that’s about, oh, I don’t know, maybe three feet underneath your feet when you’re standing on the earth. Connecting to your earth star. Connecting to this column of light that’s been fed by Mama Earth.

And as you breathe in and out. Allowing anything in your energy field, anything in your body, it’s not serving you to just fall off down into that column of light, down into the earth, to be transformed by these powerful, transformative, life giving forces in the earth. So breathing in and out, dropping anything down out of the base of the spine into the center of the earth to be recycled like she does any other waste that falls into the earth, into something life giving, connecting to the heart of the earth and letting that loving, nurturing, powerful energy ground your energy.

Ground us into the earth.

Fill us with love and light, and let that earth heart energy come up and connect to our own heart energy. And as you breathe in, feel the energy field around your heart. Expand with light and with love, knowing that we’re loved by the earth. We’re cared for. All of our needs are provided for.

Let your heart beating. Heart connect with the beating heart of the earth. Continuing to breathe in and out again. Allowing your belly to expand when you breathe in. And let go and release and push. And as you breathe out.

And as you sit or lie. And you breathe in. Comfortably connected to the earth.

Feel how you may. Some of us, myself included. I tend to carry things on my shoulders. We talk about carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders. So imagine way up above your head, maybe 6ft or 10ft above your head, that there’s this big magnet above your head and it’s an energy magnet, and it can pull up anything in your energy field that you’re carrying on your shoulders that’s around your head.

Other people’s thoughts, opinions, your own ideas and beliefs that no longer serve you. Let that huge magnet that could be a gold, all of energy. Or it could just be like a literal image of a huge magnet way up above your head. Let it just pull everything up off your shoulders, up to that magnet. You can imagine little sounds like little metal shavings, you know, click click click click click click click up.

I’m the magnet. You may hear like a rushing sound as the energy goes up into that energy ball that’s ready to take anything you don’t need to carry anymore. And when you’re ready, you can drop that magnet down into the center of the earth to be recycled. And allow another column of light from way up above your head, way up above the ceiling of the room you’re in light from the star we call this sun.

From the central sun from God, from source, whatever you want to call it. But this beautiful cosmic light, golden, sparkly, silvery light to come down into our energy fields and kind of fill up and replace that. The spots where we’ve released energy let it kind of smooth like a waterfall, let it come down and soothe and heal and relax.

Let it be a wave of relaxation and peace coming down over the top of your head, over your shoulders, connecting to the column of light from the center of the earth and feel as you breathe in and out. That being a human being right now, right here, living on the earth, right here, right now, how we get to be this conduit for loving Earth energies, nurturing Earth energies and beautiful, loving, healing cosmic divine energies allow that light to fill your heart.

Allow your heart to expand. And allow yourself to sit in that and breathe.

You can carry this love and this light forward with you any moment of any day, all the time. That love is always there for you and your heart. Thanks for joining me.