Dear friends and beloved NHCC patients,
It is a joy, a heartwarming elixir, for me to be able to reach out and connect with you. Many of you I know and love, as I’ve already been honored by your presence, playing the role of your MMJ doctor (It’s me, Dr. May!).
David Yrigoyen (with NHCC), and I have been working harmoniously together since 2011, the inception of legal Medical Cannabis in AZ. As one of the very first doctors in Tucson to provide the service of certifying patients for their MMJ cards, I’ve had a unique opportunity to be on the ground floor of this movement, and more importantly, to meet and know so many of you beautiful individuals seeking alternatives from our deeply limited and flawed conventional standard of healthcare in the US.
When I first started doing cannabis certifications for patients, I was struck by 2 things: 1) how few people had any inkling that there were other ways to heal their pain/dis-ease beyond the allopathic medicine (MDs) that had been failing them. Very few had even heard about naturopathic medicine or other alternatives.
The other really striking thing, that I totally didn’t expect but made perfect sense, especially for the people who emerged to receive their MMJ cards at the beginning of the program, was this phenomenon that I felt incredibly graced and humbled to take part in. Many of you had already been using cannabis“illegally”, using your own powers of perception to note that your symptoms alleviated under the plant’s influence on body/mind. For many, this contrasting experience of using plant (MMJ) medicine to successfully treat your ailments versus the shame of having to hide due to state and federal laws and social stigma created a very painful reality.
David and I recently talked about how much we have learned from the patients we’ve worked with over the years. As much as we’re grateful to have been able to help you all, please remember that your presence in our lives has also helped us to grow. Even though I’m not currently doing cannabis certifications,in fact, I’m not practicing medicine at all right now (more to come about this in future newsletters!) I still feel connected and grateful for all the patients I’ve worked with. David extended this opportunity for me to reach out to you all, maintain a bit of a connection, and keep you informed about what’s blossoming in my world. There’s lot’s more to come, I really look forward to sharing more with you all and receiving your feedback
Dr. Jasmine May
Infusing with Cannabis for Natural Pain Relief
by: David Yrigoyen MMJ_David

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